The Universal Urge to Integrate: Tech Meets Tantra

by | Sep 1, 2023 | 0 comments

Good morning! In my daily work, I interact with a number of integration architects, and I can’t help but marvel at the striking similarities and differences they share with the age-old concept of ‘integration’ in Tantra. These architects are some of the highest-paid professionals in the tech industry, and for good reason. They’re the linchpins who ensure that various software systems communicate flawlessly, essentially acting as translators between languages of code. Their role is to weave a seamless tapestry of interconnected functions, much like how Tantra aims to unify disparate elements of the self into a coherent whole.

But the contrasts are equally enlightening. While integration architects deal in the realm of logic and precision, Tantra dives into the abstract, emotional, and spiritual spheres. Tech architects integrate for functionality and efficiency; Tantra integrates to achieve a state of enlightenment, a higher form of existence that transcends everyday life. Both, in their own unique ways, strive for optimization—one in the context of machine-to-machine interaction, and the other in the domain of soul-to-soul communion.

So, some times when I chat with an integration architect about middleware or API gateways, I can’t help but think of Tantra’s quest for the ultimate union—be it with the divine, the universe, or the self. It’s a beautiful reminder that the desire to integrate, to create something more substantial from individual parts, is a drive that cuts across disciplines, cultures, and even epochs. In that sense, aren’t we all architects of integration in one way or another?

About Evelien Renders
Evelien Renders works as an information manager at a Dutch research university and is the co-founder of Leornova, a training institution for higher education professionals. She identifies as a change enthusiast, early adopter and classicist.

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